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While We Live
Australian Premiere
15+ (exemption)
2017 | 98 min | Drama | Denmark
Director: Mehdi Avaz
Cast: Julie Christiansen, Sebastian Jessen, Charlotte Munck, Nicolas Bro, Nikolaj Groth, Julie Brochorst Andersen
Danish with English subtitles

Inspired by true events, the five-time Danish Academy Award-nominated (Robert Festival) drama While We Live is a remarkable story of family, loss and love that follows four people in Northern Denmark and how their fates intertwine after a tragic accident. 

When we first meet Kristian, he’s far from the place he grew up. Living and working in Jutland with his fiancé, it’s been five years since he was last in his hometown of Gribskov. After news arrives at his doorstep that his surrogate father Peter (Nicolas Bro, Small Town Killers Scandi FF 2017) is terminally ill, Kristian travels home to be by his side. There he learns that everyone still blames him for a devastating accident that tore his family apart, five years earlier. Emotions and conflicts resurface as Kristian faces his ex-girlfriend, Trine (Festival guest Julie Christiansen) in a final attempt to, at Peter’s dying request, reunite the family. 

Iranian-born Danish filmmaker Mehdi Avaz’s intricately structured narrative interweaves past and present to peel back layers of buried resentment and guilt, suspending Kristian between two lives.

The most spectacular Danish film debut for years.
Best Supporting Actress (Julie Christiansen), Bodil Awards 2018
CPH:PIX 2017